COVID-19 SCM Bangladesh
COVID-19 Supply Chain Management is a data monitoring tools for emergency supply chain management for COVID -19 commodities received from different sources and consumed by health facilities of Bangladesh. The site allows tracking of procurement status, receiving, stock transfer, dispensing as well as status of COVID-19 related equipment at facilities. The site also has module for national and local level quantification tool for COVID-19 commodities. If you need access to the data and details analytical reports please Register from following link. You can always access the Dashboard which is set for public viewing.
The COVID-19 electronic Logistics Management Information System allows proper management of COVID-19 commodities at the health facilities of Bangladesh. Initially the health facilities were entering daily commodity stock status at end of each day. Gradually sites will be trained to use the eLMIS module which allows the sites to do their day to day transaction and manage their COVID-19 commodities stock. Major functions include - indent to higher tier, receive from higher tier, receive as donation, receive from supplier, transfer/issue invoice, dispensing from store and stock adjustment. As a result, current stock balance of commodities will be readily available to decision makers. Monitoring of procurement packages and management of COVID-19 related equipments will also be incorporated soon.
COVID-19 Quantification Tool
The tool can be used for national level quantification of COVID-19 commodities, taking current stock balance, morbidity, human resource, commodity usage pattern into account. The user has flexibility to tweak the parameters and generate different scenarios based on needs. The final output is the commodity required for a certain period both in terms of quantity and value. The tool can also be used at facility level for generating indents.